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Use Coupon Code “FLIP100” on all Purchase Orders with Flip & Nest tables submitted through the end of the year to receive an additional $100 NET off of each Flip & Nest Table in your Project! Standard Dealer Discounting Only. Some exclusions apply.

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In observance of Independence Day, Special-T offices will be closed Wednesday, July 3rd at 12:00 P.M. EST and will resume normal business hours Monday, July 8th. We wish our friends and team a safe Holiday Weekend!

Contact Special-T


Office & Warehouse Location

11820 Wills Road, Suite 140
Alpharetta, GA 30009
8 am – 5 pm EST,
Monday – Friday

Contact List

Steve Rozeboom - Portrait
Steve Rozeboom
Dale Nutter - Portrait
Dale Nutter
Advisory Board Member
Ian Hicks - Portrait
Ian Hicks
Dmitri Denissiouk - Portrait
Dmitri Denissiouk
Robert Bagley - Portrait
Robert Bagley
Executive Vice President of Sales
Brandon Rayburn - Portrait
Brandon Rayburn
Justin Calvery - Portrait
Justin Calvery
Vice President of Operations
Mike Maloney - Portrait
Mike Maloney
Regional Sales Director - Southeast
Travis Ingle - Portrait
Travis Ingle
Regional Sales Director - Midwest
Scott Althauser - Portrait
Scott Althauser
Marketing Director
Leigh Anna Johnston - Portrait
Leigh Anna Johnston
Production Manager
Alexander Keen - Portrait
Alexander Keen
Sales Manager - Georgia
Lisa Polillo - Portrait
Lisa Polillo
Contract Administrator
Emily Harris - Portrait
Emily Harris
Customer Service Manager
David Guedez - Portrait
David Guedez
Customer Service Manager
Grant Daniel - Portrait
Grant Daniel
Customer Service Associate
Miles Bethenod - Portrait
Miles Bethenod
Customer Service Associate
Kevin Bothwell - Portrait
Kevin Bothwell
International Procurement
Carol Bulkley - Portrait
Carol Bulkley
Accounts Receivable
John Doster - Portrait
John Doster
Quality Control Manager
Kristen Doster - Portrait
Kristen Doster
Project Manager
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